Welcome to the Computer Repair Shop!
* See new notes at bottom of page...
I've assembled a suite of programs I install on all my clients' computers, and it's pretty much put me out of business — the computers now stop the users and point out the error(s) they're about to commit, and in most cases they cease and desist, so my services aren't needed: . (I didn't write the programs, I just assembled them from the various online authors I trust.) All the programs are free for all end users — most are even free for businesses — and are available via my Download page:
Please feel free to email me for guidance on any computer-related subject: . If I don't know the answer, I'll steal someone else's solution, paraphrase it into language the average user can understand, and pretend I figured it out all by myself: . I'm still hoping I'll eventually find a newspaper or magazine that will pay me to write a Q & A column; if I do, your question and my answer will probably end up there, also. But I have a favor to ask in return: if you ask for my help, and I send you a reply (and so far, I've replied to every request), please write back one last time and tell me if my instructions or suggestions fixed your problem: . I truly believe I've given everyone who wrote me the correct and appropriate advice, but if I'm wrong on any part of it, I'd appreciate knowing it BEFORE I publish my mistakes for the world to see: . I got a 'rep' to maintain, you know: . Fair enough? Speaking of publishing, I edited a computer club newsletter for a couple of years: . Now that I've given that up, I've created an archive of my old columns, articles, and miscellaneous ramblings, and posted it here:
I'll be adding new columns and articles as time permits: . So check back once in a while; as I find new programs and discover new tricks, I'll share them here. DaLe aTchiSon* Note #1: With all the ransomware attacks in the news lately, regular backups are more inportant than ever. If you need help setting them up, call to make a service call appointment, or email for free help. * Note #2: Some service calls will incur a trip charge, some won't. If money is super tight, and the trip charge would be a deal breaker, say so when you call; I'll plug your address into Google Maps, and tell you in advance if there will be a trip charge. An informed customer is (slightly) less likely to be a dissatisfied customer. * Note #3: I let this website go dark in July 2021; just got it back mid-August 2023. If some of the links or advice seem dated... that's because they are! Please be patient; I'll read every page and update all the links in the very near future. |
Disclaimer: My advice is offered at no cost, so I can assume no liability: . Whatever you do to your computer, whether you're following my explicit instructions to the letter, or 'trying a slight variation', is at your own risk: . I've tested every suggestion I make several times before sharing it — even though I don't know you, I wouldn't take chances with your stuff: . If you're unsure of your ability to type commands verbatim and follow the on-screen prompts, please call or write, and we'll arrange to have you ship the computer to me for repair, at my usual low rates: . Or, if there's a decent computer club nearby, you might want to show them your question and my answer, and see if they'll apply my suggested fixes for you. And this should go without saying, but let's be quite thorough: all emails sent to me for free advice become my property, to do with as I please: . I'll protect the anonymity of all who write me for help, but I tell you up front that I will publish the question and answer if I get the chance, and I won't be able to pay royalties to the people who asked the questions: . They get free computer help, and hopefully I can make a buck down the road because of it.
Sounds fair to me...